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Uconnex Community Services: A Cherry Picking Adventure

Picking sweet, juicy cherries from the orchards and also visit Yarra Valley Chocolaterie & Ice Screamery. It was a great way to connect with nature and each other as we enjoyed the cherry picking season.

In the first days of the new year 2023,, Uconnex Community Services organized a cherry picking adventure for Uconnex Community members. It was an experience of a lifetime for everyone who joined. We had the chance to pick sweet, juicy cherries from the Cherry Hill Orchards and also visit Yarra Valley Chocolaterie & Ice Screamery. It was a great way to connect with nature and each other as we enjoyed the cherry picking season.

The Cherry Hill Orchards

We started our cherry-picking adventure in the Cherry Hill Orchards. There was a vast array of cherry trees, ripe and ready to be picked. We felt lucky to have this experience while the sun was shining bright and giving us the perfect atmosphere.

We had a great time picking cherries, taking selfies, and climbing up and down the ladders. It was an exciting day of having fun in the sun and a great way to get close to nature. We came away with plenty of fresh cherries to enjoy and share with friends and family.

The Chocolaterie & Ice Creamery

After tiring walking and picking cherries, we decided to move through the Yarra Valley Chocolaterie & Ice Creamery. This was a great opportunity to have a break from all the cherry-picking and also try out the local food and drinks.

The Chocolaterie & Ice Creamery offers an array of options from drinks, to snacks, to delicious treats. We decided to start with some freshly made juices to cool off from the hot sun. The juices were sweet and refreshing and just what we needed after being in the sun all day.

We then moved on to the chocolaterie and decided to try out some iced chocolates. The iced chocolates had different flavors such as raspberry, strawberry, and even cherry! The combination of the chocolate and fruity flavor was delicious and went down a treat.

Finally, we decided to try out some of their ice cream. We were given a wide range of flavors to choose from and in the end we settled on the classic vanilla. The creamy texture of the ice cream paired with the sweetness of the cherries was a winning combination.

Overall, the Chocolaterie & Ice Creamery provided us with a great experience. The food and drinks were delicious, and it was a great way for us to take a break from cherry-picking and enjoy some sweet treats.

Uconnex Community Services had a wonderful experience on their cherry-picking trip this season. All members in this trip enjoyed the orchards and was able to pick plenty of delicious cherries. The highlight of the trip was visiting Yarra Valley Chocolaterie & Ice Creamery where they were able to sample some delicious treats. This trip was full of fun memories and the hope is that the trip will be even more enjoyable in the future.

Please contact us to sign up for the next outdoor programs.

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